CalEEMemo Issue 3: 2024 CAPCOA GHG Handbook Available
Emissions Modeling⋅Climate Resilience⋅Health & Equity

CalEEMod quantifies ozone precursors, criteria pollutants, and greenhouse gas emissions from the construction and operation of new land use development and linear projects in California. The model integrates data from CalEnviroScreen®, Cal-Adapt®, and the Healthy Places Index (HPI)® to identify potential climate risks and environmental burdens within the project vicinity. Measures to reduce emissions, climate risks, and environmental burdens are available for user selection and analysis.
CalEEMod® | ©2022 California Air Pollution Control Officers Association. All Rights Reserved. | Funding provided by California Department of Transportation (via Senate Bill 1 Adaptation Planning Grants), Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, and California Department of Public Health's Office of Health Equity and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | Developed by ICF in collaboration with the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District.
Version 2022.1.1.29