Search Measures
Transportation measures only
Transportation measures only
The Measures Database allows users to filter and search emission reduction, climate risk reduction, and health and equity measures meeting certain user-specified criteria. The database includes all 287 CalEEMod measures, most of which are also described in the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association's (CAPCOA) Handbook for Analyzing Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions, Assessing Climate Vulnerabilities, and Advancing Health and Equity: Designed for Local Governments, Communities, and Project Developers (Handbook).
The Measures Database integrates resources from CalEEMod and Handbook into a single, searchable catalog. It does not quantify measure outcomes, but rather includes filters and various search functions to assist users in finding measures that are applicable to their project and/or achieve specific outcomes. CalEEMod currently identifies measures applicable to a project based on the project scale, land use type(s), and location. Handbook likewise includes information to categorize measures based on project applicability and general sustainability indicators. For example, Appendix E, Measure Index, provides a roadmap for all measures in the Handbook so that users can quickly identify measures based on common concepts, themes, and topics. By combining this information into a single database, the Measures Database complements CalEEMod and Handbook and provides another resource for users to comprehensively and holistically evaluate strategies that will achieve healthier neighborhoods and more equitable and resilient communities.
After exiting this dialog, you will be presented with basic search parameters as well as advanced search options. Not all combinations will result in applicable measures, which will be indicated on the screen. Once results have been populated from a search, you can click on the measure to learn more or simply select the checkbox to add it to your list of selected measures. Once complete, your list can be downloaded either as an Excel table or PDF document. Note that the Excel output will contain measures and associated data, whereas the PDF document is a general summary that combines full measure descriptions from the Handbook, where applicable.