Chapter 3
Measures to Reduce GHG Emissions: Transportation
Transportation emissions can be reduced by improving the emissions profile of the vehicle fleet or by reducing VMT. Most of the measures quantified in the Handbook aim to reduce VMT and encourage mode shifts from single-occupancy vehicles to shared (e.g., transit) or active modes of transportation (e.g., bicycle). This can be accomplished by coordinating trip reduction or incentive programs; optimizing the land use of the project study area; enhancing road, bike and pedestrian networks; implementing parking policies; or improving transit systems
The transportation section includes fact sheets and quantification methods for 34 measures. These measures are organized into six subsectors: Land Use, Neighborhood Design, Trip Reduction Programs, Parking Management, Transit, Parking or Road Pricing/Management, and Clean Vehicles and Fuels. Beyond the fact sheets, the transportation section provides guidance for combining emission reductions from multiple transportation measures and adjusting VMT reductions to expected GHG savings. Use the list below to navigate directly to each measure's factsheet.
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Transportation Measures
- Land Use
- Trip Reduction Programs
- T-5. Implement Commute Trip Reduction Program (Voluntary)
- T-6. Implement Commute Trip Reduction Program (Mandatory Implementation and Monitoring)
- T-7. Implement Commute Trip Reduction Marketing
- T-8. Provide Ridesharing Program
- T-9. Implement Subsidized or Discounted Transit Program
- T-10. Provide End-of-Trip Bicycle Facilities
- T-11. Provide Employer-Sponsored Vanpool
- T-12. Price Workplace Parking
- T-13. Implement Employee Parking Cash-Out
- T-23. Community-Based Travel Planning
- Parking or Road Pricing/Management
- Neighborhood Design
- T-18. Provide Pedestrian Network Improvement
- T-19-A. Construct or Improve Bike Facility
- T-19-B. Construct or Improve Bike Boulevard
- T-20. Expand Bikeway Network
- T-21-A. Implement Conventional Carshare Program
- T-21-B. Implement Electric Carshare Program
- T-22-A. Implement Pedal (Non-Electric) Bikeshare Program
- T-22-B. Implement Electric Bikeshare Program
- T-22-C. Implement Scootershare Program
- Transit
- Clean Vehicles and Fuels